Shadow Dancer
I cannot believe my painting got into the SWS member show. After I saw all of the entries online, I didn't think my entries were as strong as some of the others. There were so many interesting techniques, subjects and compositions. I can't wait to see all of the paintings that were selected.
Something that does concerns me is that the competition is open to water media on paper, including yupo and acrylic. These do make interesting pieces, but, when one is working with yupo and acrylic, the possibilities are much different than watercolor alone. The SWS is a watercolor group. As an artist that likes painting with transparent watercolor, I wonder if it can compete with acrylics strong colors and the option of being able to paint white on top of other colors. I know that one can get very interesting results with acrylic on yupo that simply cannot be done with watercolor on paper.
What is your opinion? Do you feel that watercolor competitions should be limited to watercolor only? I realize that there are many more entries when the competition is open to all water media. But, will a traditional watercolor on paper technique be able to compete?