The above painting is from a scene on the French Riviera. We found this little town when driving to dinner one night. I will have to look in my notes for the actual name. I love when driving on a trip you never know what surprise might be around the corner. My husband has learned not to react when I say, "Oh!" all of a sudden. He knows that I am going to ask him to turn the car around to take several photos of what I think would be the perfect painting. This painting along with some of my other paintings will be on display at The Kitchen Source, 1544 Solcum in the Dallas Design District. This year The Kitchen Source is hosting the Annual CityArtCal Preview Party and have invited the participating artists to display their work there. The Preview Party is on November 6 from 6-9 with copies of the 2010 CityArtCal and a silent auction of art spanning a wide variety in medium and style. Last year's attendees were very pleased and I had someone ask me about it just today, hence the post! For more information, visit www.cityartcal.com.
37x29, original watercolor, beautifully framed, $650

This is a value study from a photo of a crowded beach in Nice. I wanted to do the photo as it is, crowded with umbrellas, people, Nice behind it and disappearing around the corner. I had just taken a workshop on oil painting and simplifying shapes. So for this painting I will have the one girl and her dress blowing in the ocean breeze. I will post that painting when it is complete.
Hi Liana. I love the bright and lively colours in your paintings. I also like the the way your detsils are added without really crowding the painting. I ama self taught artist and learn mostly from seeing other people's works and interacting. It would be great if you could visit my painting blog sometimes and leave your valuable critiques and comments behind. name of my blog is Adventure with colours.